michigan man

By outdoorguy

A walk on the gulf

I took a long walk at the ocean today and and the waves were rolling in pretty good,and I asked myself this question. "Why do people like to walk at the seashore"? "What do the sights, smells, and sounds do for us"?
A few answers come quickly;
1. A chance to see one of God's great creations.
2. A chance to see a new shorebird (It's an American Oystercatcher)
3. A chance to see the toddler who is at the ocean for her first time with pail
and shovel in hand, and wearing that cute sunbonnet and shades.
4. And, even the chance to see the 8-9 year old kid (Charlie today), who
just has to chase the very birds that i am trying to shoot.
But, here's my number 1 reason. We like things in our lives that are
constant, that are unchanging. The ocean and it's waves just keep crashing to the shore, one after another.
My family had an unfortunate date to observe this past week. Three years ago this month, my mom died unexpectedly. She was'nt a "Florida Person", but was a trooper, and became our "chief guard" of our finished sand castle.
Mom was our ocean, our constant, and our stronghold. I miss her a lot and even with all the things going on at the shore today....I thought of her and smiled. A great walk.

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