Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Anderby Creek

Originally set out for Gibraltar Point for a walk, but the rain forced us into a coastal drive instead. It only held up long enough for us to jump out the car at Anderby Creek and snap this, with two hardy souls further along the beach apparently unaware of the freezing wind battering them. I wasn't.

Got home to an abusive answer phone message from a customer which was great, just what I needed.

To add to my cheer City got hammered 6-0 at home last night, our joint heaviest home defeat ever. By the time the fourth hit the back of the net I was enjoying a glass of coke in a local boozer with Lee. Him and Kirky are the only two to have shown any interest over the last week. Had a nice night and I'm slipping over there again later for some enchiladas. Nice.

I'll be on the comments and that after the weekend. Off for a kip now.

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