All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Another duvet day

It was a restless night for hubbie and I last night, what with him coughing and spluttering and me with a pounding headache, achey all over and unable to get comfy. However, it was good to not have to get up early to see to Ethan! (Poor Granny had to do that today, just after 6am)!

I phoned my parents late morning to see how they were getting on with Ethan. It sounds like he's not missing hubbie or I in the slightest. He went to bed without a fuss, slept pretty well, is eating well and has been enjoying exploring their house, especially the cupboard under the stairs! So, we have agreed to leave him there for one more night, to give hubbie and I a chance to get our energy back.

I've spent most of today in bed again surrounded by the important things in life - my laptop, the Sky remote control, HEAT magazine, a good book ... and my 4 cats! I did venture out to Morrisons to buy something for lunch but was so worn out by that short trip, I had to have a lie down when I got home!

One thing I have done today though is actually start reading the user guide for our DSLR! I'm very lazy about getting around to reading userguides and find the DSLR so intimidating that I just use the most general of settings on it. However, at last I know what the A-DEP, AV and TV buttons are for and have finally figured out how to turn off the flash! Whether or not I can actually remember all these things when I'm out and about is another matter!

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