Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle


Amalia is a Hungarian Vizsla. She graduated from puppy class today. When she started puppy class 6 weeks ago, she was such a hooligan and her owner had a really hard time getting her attention, let alone teach her commands!

With a lot of patience and commitment from her owner, she has turned into a really lovely young dog, who enjoys the training environment so much. The beauty of positive reinforcement training is the fact that Amalia has mastered basic (puppy) obedience, without having her spirit broken and losing her lust for life.

Contrary to popular belief (as seen in the so-called "Dog Whisperer"), a dog doesn't need to be broken down and "shown who's the boss" in order to instill focus and discipline. All it takes is patience, consistency, repetition and reward.... the rest will follow:)

Here's to happy, healthy dogs and wonderful owners!!

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