Clark Tales

By cclark

The Antithesis of StarWars!

A night spent at the Ross/Cutch house having a Baz Lurhman - a-thon! Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge! There was also ALOT of food~ loads. I was so tempted to blip the food, there was home made cakes, jelly, and Party Rings! IT WAS ALL LUSH- good effort ladies!

Meanwhile all the boys where at my flat with flatmate Jamie and a BIG projector and screen watching the StarWars original trilogy! But they in no way had as good a selection of food as us!

Came home with Gemma around 1am- or was it 2am who knows how the clock changes really work? Doogie wanted to stay after Boys night too so it was 3 in a bed and mass confusion about putting the clocks forward and if we did that would the digital clocks do it for themselves anyway??? arrgghhh SLEEP! worry about being on time for work tomorrow!

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