It's Party Time

Cambo held his 6th birthday party today.

He and a couple of dozen of his friends ran riot at the local Scout hall for a couple of hours this morning. What a racket!

Thankfully the Enjoy-a-Ball man was there to take care of some full-on energetic running-around fun.

After the party a small number made it back to our house where the party atmosphere continued for the rest of the day.

For my part I managed to escape off to the ice rink late afternoon where I was taking part in a curling bonspiel with three other clubs who are, like mine, celebrating their centenary this year. And what do you know, we came out on top by a single point to lift the silver quaich for the club and a bottle of single malt each.

Home now to help with a little tidying up and to sort through the mass of photographs from he party.

Today's shot is of the birthday boy, just before the mayhem began.

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