24 Hour Access

OK second go at uploading tonight.... and I'm not going to type it all again so here are the highlights:

Curling at 9.00am against the GB Wheelchair curling team - fresh from the Paralympic Games in Vancouver. Thankfully we managed to win at the final end. Quite odd playing against them as able-bodied, as you expect to win but don't want to be too over-competitive. In the end they were very good and we only just got the win.

Picked up Scott and took him back to Perth for the rest of the weekend.

Light shopping in the afternoon.

Walked the dog.


Cinema, but no before I had to explain to some pretty thick and argumentative drunks that just because I had a DSLR on a tripod I was not from the BBC, nor the local paper, nor had there been a murrrrrrrder or something and why I just didn't take it with my mobile phone. Deep breath!

We went to see "Kick Ass" - a kind of teen-rom-com-cum-violence-ridden-action-movie that was not over-taxing. Fairly amusing too.

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