
By thespotlightkid

Cinderella and the broad beans

Cinderella (not her real name) is happy now the sun's come back. She loves to sit in the warmest parts of the garden. In the morning the sun gets into this corner for a while before it goes behind the house, so she's making the most of it.

My broad beans are just starting to push through. Last year we had enough for a whole meal! I'm also growing peas and potatoes but it's more for fun than for purpose.

We've been to Wells today to meet up with friends from Bristol; afterwards we went to Shapwick Heath in the Somerset Levels. I took a few pictures at both places but decided to blip Cinderella as she has made few appearances up to now.

Alternatives today:

Wells cathedral west front
Wells cathedral from east
Wells cathedral and Bishop's Palace moat
Shapwick Heath

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