wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

No weather today

A friend told me today that all I write about is the sun and weather and stuff (although I don't entirely agree, he had just read through all my blips in one go) so I'm going to avoid mentioning just how lovely and sunny it was today.

Which just leaves other things to write about. Like. Um. Oh dear. Well. Today was a day of minor miracles. Although I've got that terrible sense of an impending cold, it all was pretty grand. A person in admin at uni who is not known for friendliness was positively civil to me, although still a little confused (I guess, not everything can change at once). I made it to class on time (in body at least, my mind may have been elsewhere), and we've almost finished the essay (well, my partner's gone off to write the intro, and I get to tackle the conclusion once he emails it to me). Good day.

Second day of my new job tomorrow, all very exciting. Even more so is that I'll finally get to catch up with my bestestest friend, we've realised that with both of us working in the city, we might actually be able to catch up regularly. Perhaps I'll blip that tomorrow.

And that's about it really. You can stop reading now. Nothing to see beyond this point. Have a lovely day/night/evening/morning.

Shhhh, don't tell John I'm writing this bit. It really was beautiful today. We all lay in the sunshine at lunch and boosted our vitamin D. Very relaxing and lovely. And then the sunset was one of these lovely simple ones. Beautiful. :)

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