Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Fresh from the camera!

Got a bit of a back blog to do today ... i'll endeavour to keep it short and sweet!

Saturday ... whoop whoop! Our ladies burlesque night! I took lots of pics & had good intentions to blip but I was run off my feet all day & by the time I got home I was so sleepy tired! I got fabulously dressed up along with many many other 'Gamlingayian' Ladies ... it was super fun & the show was fabulous! And to top it off roughly £500 was raised for Parkinsons UK! Good night all round!

Sunday ... where did you go?! I missed you!!

And today ... spent much of today editing (trying to) pictures from Saturday night, thought i'd captured my blip early on in the form of a very busy bee! But today little Miss F hit my spotlight! I'm feeling like a bad bad mummy! Went to pick up little K from school and he was complaining of sore legs ... he'd apparently done too much running today! This is his way of getting a buggy ride!! Well little Miss F wanted to go in the buggy too so to avoid an argument i put little K in with Miss F on his lap, buggy wheel got caught and Miss F went flying! Grazed her chin ... superficial I thought ... clean up with a wipe & off we go! Oh no, as I was cleaning it I realised we had a great big gash but thankfully not a lot of blood! Rushed to the docs and they've taped it up the best they can! The nurse has done a super job and saved us a trip to A&E for stitches! Poor miss F will now be thoroughly spoilt for the remainder of the day! She was such a trooper, a little cry and nothing but compliance! As for me, well they're lucky I didn't faint!

Hope y'all had a fab weekend x

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