All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Obi - one year on

Anyone who has been following my journal for a long time will probably remember that Obi was involved in a bad RTA last year. It's a year ago today that I posted a picture of him and at that stage, we didn't know if he'd survive. Although I have posted several progress shots since then, I thought it was appropriate to do another one today!

He continues to be a cool cat and doesn't let the fact he's blind in one eye hold him back. He still goes out and about although fortunately doesn't seem to stray too far from the house these days. He's also still affectionate and likes nothing more than a big cuddle, especially when I'm in bed. The only thing he doesn't like any more which is used to, is being picked up. It might have cost us a fortune in vets bills and worry, but I'm so glad we made the decision to try to save him!

Hubbie and I still off sick today. I had to drag myself out of bed to take Ethan to nursery but as he decided to have a lie-in (slept just over 12 hours, waking just before 8am), it wasn't too bad. After sitting on the sofa all morning, I attempted some housework in the afternoon but think I tried to do too much as I'm dead on my feet now and can't stop coughing!

When I went to pick Ethan up (I went early today - just after 4pm), he didn't see me come in the room so I took the opportunity to watch him playing happily for a few minutes. When he saw me, his face crumpled and he started crawling towards me at top speed ... when he reached me, he grinned at me ... and then carried on crawling right past me! The wee monkey!

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