My Aim is True



Well then. The new regime (as mentioned yesterday) is going very well.

A customer called me with the most ridiculous question. I answered calmly and politely.

A colleague kept interrupting me. I just waited patiently until she'd finished.

A customer came in at the end of the day. I dealt with their enquiry, helped them make a decision and kept a sunny disposition throughout.

Someone had left an empty milk cartoon in the kitchen. I merely threw it in the bin with a smile.

Someone spent a lot of time loudly telling me how to do my job. I let him finished and then explained to him good humouredly what I actually do and how I do it.

So that all went very well.

However when the idiot quoted a load of irrational babble at me. I could no longer bite my tongue. What a buffoon. And I happen to know that in her line of work she's actually breaking the rules....should I shop her? I'll mull it over....

Apologies for dull blip.

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