Let Time Be Still

By lettimebestill

The last of rata flowers

This is one of NZ's many beautiful native species, the southern rata. It has this beautiful vibrant but delicate flower, this being one of the last of the summer's bloom. Winter is impending fast, I've been living in my down jacket for the last week and getting round all hunched up on my scooter getting blown around the road by the wind. :)
The title has a double meaning, as not only are these the last flowers of the season but also (though the tree can be seen all over the place) the species is in trouble as possums think it's yummy.

I've had lots of time to slink around taking photos today as I have a cold, a good excuse to stay home and curl up in bed with my textbooks and NewScientists and pamper myself with lemon and honey drinks.
It's going through the stages pretty fast so I'm hoping it will be gone my Thursday. Go killer vegetarian immune system!

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