
By RustyKlicker


I am having a pretty good day today and I thought I might share some of the detail if you don't mind.

For those who were listening in yesterday, I had my first VAT inspection scheduled for today and whilst confident that we would be fine, you are never quite sure are you. Those of you running your own businesses out there will know what I am on about.

Anyway, the day started easily enough with my car being dropped at the garage for its service and back to the house in plenty of time for the visit. At 9.30 on the dot, the nice lady arrived and that wasn't my famed sarcasm kicking in there, she was actually very pleasant, polite and professional.

After exchanging pleasantries and a coffee for ten minutes she duly dismissed me from her presence and went about doing whatever it is she does, with my files. Approximately 45 minutes later I was summoned to be told that she was finished, our files were near perfect and she was delighted.

All that cost me was a coffee and a couple of biscuits!

So it's well done to Mrs RustyKlicker for keeping such impeccable systems and a reward of lunch at the Chop and Ale house at Linlithgows famed, Champany restaurant was in order. The shot for today was also my good lady's suggestion as were nicely perched by the central fireplace looking through to the table on the other side. Not a bad result.

Still have some work to do, but that is now less stressful, following the VAT result. (A belly full of great grub also helps with the comfort feeling).

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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