jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Sorry for yet another back-blip. Actually I'm not really that sorry ;) It's been a busy day, good, but busy and by the time it got to 11.30pm and we'd finally finished completing our census online we were both dead on our feet and needed to go to bed!

And before I do anything else, thankyou so much to everyone who stopped by with congratulations for the 300! I was proper made up by all the really sweet comments too :) Oh and the "300" wasn't laundry, nor was it roses - at least it wasn't real ones. It was a whole load of scrunched up pieces of tissue paper! They were intended for a craft (and may yet be) to make cards or something. They're all safely back in their pot now :)

This is Ben having his haircut. We popped in on the way back from the camera shop (utterly utterly useless - I've been without my camera for over a month and the repair shop have completely missed the point of the problem. Decided to part-ex both our cameras and their standard lenses now and get a better one instead and hope it doesn't have the same issue!!) and there was noone in the salon so Ben got a quick trim to tidy up the raggedy bits.

Last night we went to see brand new baby Hannah. She arrived safe and sound yesterday afternoon, and I was doing fine up until Steve had a cuddle with her - then I could feel my eyes filling up!!! Am proper happy for my friends :D

This morning we went off to tots and took all those pretty organza bags with us. They were handed out to the kids to give to their mums, and we got so much happy feedback on them! The mums were really quite taken aback that we'd gone to all that trouble, and really loved the bags of goodies :)

In the afternoon, after a VERY short nap from Ben during which I was barely able to get anything to eat, let alone do anything useful like complete the wretched census, we went out for a walk to pick up the camera and to go to a baby boutique shop that we'd spotted the other day. I am utterly rubbish at driving a buggy. I am far too used to wrapping Ben up in a sling.... at least I didn't knock anybody down but getting in and out of shops is a nightmare!!! We ended up going to the beach after visiting all our various destinations, and Ben had a grand old time picking up the biggest stones he could lift and depositing them elsewhere. We got cold though - we'd not dressed for a trip to the beach, so we got Steve to pick us up on the way home. Then after calling at the house to pick up highchairs and bibs and cutlery and nappies for Ben (and my tablets, phew) we were off to visit friends for dinner.

I have to confess, last night when S asked if we liked salmon, I did worry that we'd be having salmon with new potatoes - which Steve isn't entirely keen on. But when we got there she'd cooked my ultimate comfort food of sausage casserole and broccoli and mash, followed by crumble and custard! I was in my own little food heaven! Ben was too excited to eat much though, and found reserves of energy that astounded even Steve and me. He was chasing and being chased by M until 10pm. It was obvious he was getting tired, but he really was enjoying himself and Ben and I didn't have to get up seriously early in the morning so that was ok. A rather good evening :)

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