In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

A rainbow fell from the sky

Once upon a time there was a rainbow that hung in the Sky over Scotland. He was a very content rainbow who took great pleasure in his job, which was to cheer the world, or at least his allocated part of it, up after the rainfall.
He so enjoyed seeing mankind smile after a gloomy day. He saw it as a pleasurable duty to, perhaps, make some-one, for just a moment, forget their troubles, be it a samll trouble or a large one, like man's inhumanity to his fellow creature, and smile with joy at his multi coloured personage in the heavens.
Althougj his vocation was a solitary one, he was never part of a double or even a rare triple workforce, he took on his responsibility very seriously and with much happiness.
Lately though he had been feeling more and more despairing about what his Mother had allowed to happen to his beloved Earth. All this extreme Floods, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Hurricanes was causing him much sadness. Why would Mrs Nature let this happen to his friends below?
After years of angst and anguish over what was going on, the perceived burden became far too much for him to carry on his fragile shoulders and after a break in the last precipitation, when he came out, the weight was too much for him, and caused him to fall from the sky and crash to the ground with a silent, " Splat," and to be slowly washed away by his for work colleagues, the rain

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