Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia

Reflectors and Reflections

The theme of today's Blip-journal is cycles. Another relapse, another photo (or ten) of magnolias taking their sweet time blossoming, another magnolia in another yard... Oh, why that last bit, you ask? I grew up with a magnolia tree beside my childhood home in Omaha - it survived so many curve-balls that the crazy Nebraska weather threw its way. I loved that tree so much -- and that home. I know there are so many more important things to worry about and contend with in life, but after all these years, it's still incredibly difficult making peace with those long-ago changes (such as parents selling childhood home as soon as I'd run off to so-called "baby" college).

With so many cycles and so much repetition in life, it's easy to get lost in it and especially to let it manipulate us. The relapse ratio right now does not match up with the majority of MS diagnoses so we're a bit worried. What if it isn't MS? What if it's something perhaps untreatable? Then what? So even now it's scary, no matter how many days pass by with it defined as just another background hum to regular, everyday life. Another visit to the neurologists' office (This time with the doctor specializing in MS - Why did that take so long?) coming up in early to mid- April, which will probably involve another photo walk opportunity, if I haven't finally found the right job to launch my post-college career path(s). I wish all of this were easier, but then I also appreciate the opportunities that not-easier has given me. But worrying about roommate is a whole 'nother spiel altogether.

Anywho, onto less weighty descriptions... the walk was rather frenzied, involving lots of walking on sidewalks beside busy highways, some neighborhood romping (Woah - Who knew there were actual, real-life houses so close to our place downtown?! Of course they probably cost in the millions of dollars, this being one of the most expensive counties in the nation and all), a steep climb up a hill at the edge of that subdivision, over (and under, on the way back - much less successful and smooth) a guardrail, and finally along an extremely broad shoulder bordering the interstate. On the way back, we also passed a car and a van pulled over by a couple cop cars. The police were inspecting the truck of the van when we passed. Sketchy and weird. Roommate said it looked like a checkpoint of sorts. Wonder what that was about. We passed a jogger, too, on the way out. I can't imagine running a route with so many potential eyes on you (Though, of course, those eyes ought to be fixed on the road!). I think we inadvertently followed the guy home, too, since our route took us through that wondrous, spirit-lifting neighborhood. In front of a beautiful brick home, with (I think) Tudor-style sloping roof, there was what appeared to be the same jogger, stretching out with the help of the front steps.

During the appointment, I read from The Geography of Nowhere about Puritans and their hierarchical, private property ownership, which went on to influence the very state of the landscapes I had just traversed. Afterward, we walked to Panera for a light brunch (yum, asiago bagel; yum, blueberry scone). Came home and job-hunted (mood slump), then went through the motions of another fleeting, lackadaisical evening. If only the days didn't disappear so fast... But then, would I still need Blipfoto to help me delineate the crests and creases of my life?

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