
By katgirl

Organized Mommy - well, sort of

2 years ago, when Bob attended a Mother's Day Out program a few hours a week, he arrived home on Valentine's Day with cards from all of his other classmates. Apparently, in my stupor from working 7 days a week and being profoundly hypothyroid, I had missed the notice about Valentines. I wondered how on Earth these mother's found the time to do the cards. And in my tears, I also wondered why 6 month olds needed to exchange Valentines anyway.

This year is remarkably different. Bob is old enough to get excited about giving and receiving cards. And Mom is much less stressed in her work. I dutifully picked up the cards and we did them together last night for his classmates.

As I drove off to work this morning with a nice feeling of accomplishment, my stomach hit the floor as I realized I had forgotten 1 card. I rushed back home, completed the card, relieved that I had averted a serious crisis - until next year, at least.

My husband has a birthday coming up and I am, as always, completely unsure of what to give him. Any one have any thoughts?

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