
By TrishaR

Tropical Flowering Tree

I took a little trip along the road to Dundee this morning to check out a photographic exhibition from the Dundee Photographic Society who were exhibiting their work at the Botanical Gardens.

Was very impressed by the standard of their work, and chatted for a while to the Syllabus Organiser of the Club, volunteering (!) my husband to go along to one of their meetings to show and chat about his Edinburgh Street Photography. (He was a bit gobsmacked when I told him what I'd done!!).

After that I had a walk through the tropical part of the botanical gardens. After my camera de-steamed, I took loads of picture of flowers growing inside. The smell was wonderful. Don't ask me what this is, I read it but instantly forgot what it was. It does look very delicate and pretty though.

It's really late now as were visiting some neighbours so may have to wait till tomorrow to catch up on everyones pictures.

Goodnight all!!

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