Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Losing ones marbles

Is any one losing their marbles, if so this could be one of yours.

I think its actually one of my sons. It reminds me of when I was a kid, I loved playing with marbles. Games would be played to win or loose them, it was marble war. Times were so much easier in those days, no computers or electronic toys. Only 3 tv channels, friends were real people you actually talked to. You actually had to use your imagination, I miss those days in a way. I think all these gadgets, as much as I love them, have taken away the children's childhood. What have they got to look back on and tell their grandchildren. Well kids, when I got home from school i would lock my self up in my bedroom and comunicate electronically with all my friends that I didn't know or never met.

I remember when being locked in your bedroom was a punishment. How times have changed.

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