
By PrimeMart


Today is my (ours) 17th wedding anniversary.

Last night I slept downstairs with the dog.

No, do not worry, there is no causality here. I have insomnia and the dog has a big bandage on her paw. I did not want her to chew it off, so the sofa it was for me.

Being the incurable romantic that I am..... ;-) after an appropriate lie in period, breaksfast, cards and gifts were taken upstairs to Tracey. One gift was the ultimate expression of my love for Tracey. A horseradish plant for planting in the garden. Why? I hear you asking. After all floristry shops are full of roses, tulips lilies et al - you rarely see horseradish. But let me explain. My (twisted) logic goes like this:

i) Tracey likes planting things and nurturing stuff in the garden
ii) Tracey likes cooking
iii) Tracey loves horseradish sauce
iv) I loath horseradish sauce with a vengeance
v) But such is my love for her i buy her the plant

ergo I am a romantic?!?! She made some appreciative noises anyway.

A f1.7 50mm prime lens from Mr ebay arrived yesterday. Only £70, but hence the reason for the lame anniversary gift for Tracey! I have never been in to portraiture before, as you will have witnessed in the picture above. I hope to get better. I took this in to the sun to try and get a dreamy effect. Very little post processing, just a bit off curves boost, pushed the contrast and desaturated to get B & W. I really must learn some alternative ways of gettiing a B & W image which is not to flat.

So this is daughter flirting. I know that is not quite the correct term for flute players, but it is in my view preferable to her 'flaunting' herself. (I may have got this term slightly wrong as well) But as a father, I am happier with my daughter lightly flirting rather than flaunting!

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