
By krimmson

get to work, ladies.

spring season is also known as construction season here in michigan, and this time, it's more than just the roads for my family...

my dad recently bought an office in birmingham and is currently in the process of renovating it -- the process including moving one of two hd tv's from the old office. while looking for a new office, we had the two of them in our living room, which blocked one of the stairways to the second floor.
now that we've bought one, construction workers are currently moving one to the new office...and replacing our old tv in the living room with the other!
our old tv is a typical 50 (or so?)-inch, and the new one is a flat-screen (yay for technology!).
because our old tv isn't particularly as thin, the carpenters are currently creating a new frame while filling in the old one, as well as replacing our surround-sound system that's been glitchy ever since we moved in, which has been about five/six years ago now.

we're hoping to get everything done by the end of this week so that we can go visit chicago for two days as planned!

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