Life Naturally

By lifenaturally

We want pancakes!!!!

Here you have the scamp and the redhead..... over at Nana's B&B for some quality time.

We swam in the pool where I live yesterday afternoon, had a humongous Chinese buffet supper at our local Panda Palace, played a rousing game of UNO, with the skips and reverses happening so fast we just threw the rules out the window, settled down (finally to sleeeeep after reading a library book all about Polar Bears - do you know that PB babies weigh only a pound?) Now it's morning, our bellies are full of pancakes, juice and bacon and we're headed to the beach as soon as I put the syrupy, sticky dishes to soak..

We love to explore what the sea has brought us, and will probably drive down to see the peacocks that live on Longboat Key, just south of us.

Please note the tag - they qualify, believe me ...;-0

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