Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Ouch ... a right pain in the ...

Happy mothers day fellow mummy blippers ... I hope you've all had a a lovely day!

I had a lovely breakfast made for me this morning, thankfully by hubby and not by my little one's ... there's nothing worse than having to eat/drink something that your precious little one's have tried so hard to make, how can you possibly crush that little 'I did this just for you' smile? You can't, you just have to pull your socks up and get on with it! Close call for me this morning!

Leisurely got ready then had to pop to the 'supermarket' to get big K some school shoes. I'm fed up of spending a fortune on nice shoes for him, he's worn them out within a week so I'm standing strong and we're going for a cheaper alternative!

I've been getting some tell tale twinges which indicate my sciatic nerve is ready to cause pain! I was pushing a not particularly heavy trolley and my back went, it bought tears to my eyes! Strong painkillers and indigestion tablets at the ready, a funny combination hey? Well I suffer with indigestion & the tablets i've been prescribed has an indigestion side effect! Happy days hey! I need to see an Osteopath but they're far to expensive for me to justify this month!

Anyway, went to my mums where my mum and sister had prepared a high-tea ... and a very good job they made of it too! Lovely!

Home now, cut little K's hair ... gosh he looks grown up ... will prob blip him tomorrow!

Take care y'all xx

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