All that is beautiful

By sharob

It's me!

First off .. I don't celebrate Mothers Day. Some Mums don't deserve to be 'celebrated'. I was speaking to a friend last night who said that her Mum was the nicest person ever, always happy, always nice, did loads for the children and community. I don't have that type of Mum. But, I hope that I am that type of Mum. 

I hope that in 15 years time, my children want to take me out and enjoy my company, and not just on Mothers Day, grumbling that they could be elsewhere but "it's Mothers Day and we have to", but every day, because they genuinely want me in their lives.

I also don't celebrate Mothers Day because I see too many friends complain that their hubby's didn't get the kids to make a card, or they didn't get the kids to choose a really expensive gift. And on the other side of my friends list, I have Mums who only wish to have their children here with them. So, I know that I am incredibly lucky to have my children, without all the gifts and cards ... I'm not mad at Mr G for not remembering (although, to be fair, he bought me a bar of chocolate) I'm not mad because I made lunch or that I had two whiney girls under my feet whilst I was cleaning up the aftermath of lunch. I'm happy that I laid on the floor colouring with them both, played Polly pocket with one, and sang songs to the other. I'm glad that I sat and watched Aladdin, again. I'm happy that when I kissed my girls goodnight, they were both happy and contented.

Clara drew this picture for me yesterday, "Mummy, this is you and you're wearing a beautiful belt, there, it's pink and you're holding roses like the one on Beauty and the Beast on that hand and normal flowers on the other hand and you have strong (long) hair with a red bow and a butterfly is fluttering by your head because she loves your flowers and Storm is giving you a cuddle because she loves you, you can see her head by your neck, do you love this picture Mummy?" Aaaaaaand breathe! Haha, she can talk the hind legs off a donkey!! 

And, I'm still happy with my decision on the whole Dad thing. It feels good!

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