A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Yaaarrr! Stormy Sea's Ahead!

Playing around with the settings on my Canon EOS 350D today meant that most of the photographs I took on the beach at Limekilns turned out completely different from how I expected. Fortunately I had taken my shots in RAW so I could salvage some of them.

This picture is pretty much the way it was shot, I've just lightened it slightly. I was standing right down by the waters edge but the light in this shot makes me feel like I'm right out to sea looking towards land. It was about 4pm when I took this and the sun was failing fast and hid behind a blanket of cloud. I also really like the three red points on the ship, almost like some massive engine thrusters on a spaceship. Stupid imagination making me sound like a dork now :)

Also it was absolutely freezing when I took this and Jnr and Missus Reidar where sat in the car wondering when they could go home...

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