Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Reading Between The Lines

I moved my Monday afternoon job today. It's the same job but a different building and this was the view from the room I work in. Yet more trees and clouds, but I love this kind of view, I could get lost in it. ( Not too hard, I have been known to get lost virtually every time I go everywhere!). I like the lines of the blinds cutting up the view .

At this point I really should start writing about lines or reading between the lines or have some profound thoughts to share or failing that a tale of chaos from my life but I am lost for words

So I shall just say " Once upon a time..." and leave the rest up to you.

It's been a reasonable day I am just tired and have promised myself an hours reading time every day. I am in the middle of three books, all of which are fab so am off to chill out under a cozy duvet.

Hope you are all having a lovely evening

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