I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Fighting Illini!

Last day of my road trip to Illinois. Sorry I haven't been on blip or even gave you guys notice that I was leaving!! I was so busy the day before I didn't have time to blip. I also forgot that I wouldn't have access to internet where I'd be staying over the weekend so I wouldn't be able to upload pictures. When I did find internet, it would freeze every time I tried uploading.

Anyway, it was an awesome trip and every enlightening. I've experienced much in only 4 days. I'm glad to be back home though.

This is Tiff and I in front of Steak and Shake. We're wearing our Illini apparel after visiting over the weekend. It's been a long day in the car for another 7 hours. It was nice talking in the car to pass the time! I have a lot of thinking to do to see if I really want to go to Illinois for college now.

Please take a look at my backblips!

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