Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

First Pep Talk

I mean, what can I say?!

This photograph brings tears to my eyes. A moment captured. The first time that my son has ever received a pep talk by a coach. His very first coach. TBall. His first sport ever. The first sport of many. I can confidently say this because the permanent sparkle in his eye ever since Tball started can not be missed. It shines bright. It shines through his smile. His excitement. And this little permanent sparkle is only going to continue to grow. His confidence is soaring. He loves his team. He loves his teammates and he definitely loves this sport.

And all of these 'First Moments' brings my husband and I back to our childhood sports. We lived and breathed every single sports season. I know I already wrote about all of this in a previous blip but this has really been a big deal for our family. It is something that our son is taking very seriously. And being on a team is making him feel so incredibly important. It just takes us back. Back to all of those early memories. All of those 'first to hit a grounder', 'first to catch a fly ball', 'first to give a teammate a high five', and 'first to take direction from a coach'. This photograph is precious to me.

I mean, what else can I say........

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