Loch Leven Castle

Bro3 and E flying at Loch Leven Castle.

A sunny but windy day at Loch Leven meant a choppy boat ride to the castle and back but having been soaked last year we knew where not to sit on the boat and had a chuckle at those less fortunate who did get a soaking. Who needs log flumes and theme parks when there's Historic Scotland membership to get good use of?!

Some guys on kayaks had made their own way to the island and entered the castle without paying (cheeky!!) but the staff were on to them and went looking for them before taking us back on the boat. They were then nowhere to be found and were presumed to be on another part of the island which is a nature reserve meaning they were in even more bother because kayaking within 50m or closer than 100m (I think) during nesting was forbidden nevermind wandering about on the nature reserve . Either way when they got back to shore the staff were looking forward to having a chat with them.

The kids were highly amused at the thought of adults getting into big trouble and even more so when it was suggested by the staff that they should have let the air out of one of the inflatable kayaks they had pulled up on the grass landing area on the island to teach them a lesson :-D

(The Bros and F&E did not get to do this I hasten to add, although on second thoughts maybe.....)

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