jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Early start


An early start to today. Up at 5, out by 6.40 in the end. Ben kissed us 'bye and gave us both cuddles, and went off to play with trains with my mum!

We were off to a conference, "Come As You Are". I would not do it justice trying to attempt to condense it into a blog post.... but it was about how as a church we need to reach out to the culture around us, to be relevant at least, to build bridges to connect with people, but not to become so identifiable with the culture that we no longer have anything to offer.

I couldn't believe that by 5pm I was STILL awake and STILL utterly absorbed in what the speakers were saying. Must have been good. I'm glad I wrote some notes because no matter how much I want to remember the events of the day I can feel things slipping away already...

After checking into the hotel we decided to go out for a Chinese Buffet. Phoning ahead was a good plan - there were about 30 of us from Jubilee! And it was a good buffet as well, and much laughter was had, and then back to the hotel and although I headed off to bed Steve stayed up talking until the small hours. And then when he finally rolled in at 1am we started talking and didn't actually go to bed until 2am... and then of course I couldn't sleep. I think I'm programmed to need Ben nursing at around that time of night (there is some research that has shown that nursing produces a chemical in the mother's brain which is basically a sedative, helping mothers who nurse during the night to fall asleep again! I'm addicted it would seem).

So that was Tuesday. And part of Wednesday.

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