Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Barefoot and Back-lit

Nicer large I think because the bokeh is pretty.

Henry is happy.

He's broken up from school and the sun is shining. What more could a boy want? Or his mum for that matter.

He's spent the afternoon racing barefoot round the garden and playing with this old Diablo. He's always been able to spin it but never been able to throw it up and catch it until today. Oh he managed to catch it three times. Ok...that was three times out of a gazillion tries but it impressed the hell out me. I've never been able to catch it and I once gave H concussion while trying! To be fair, he did his best to give himself concussion today and his little manhood took a nasty clout when the thing bounced awkwardly but 'Persistence' is my son's middle name and he was not going to be beaten.

He's off to gymnastics now but I had to prise this out of his hands before he went.

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