Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

I'm Going Slightly Mad...

'Shooooooes' what Noah says plaintively when he wants to go outside. He stands at the back door, clutching his shoes and making the sign for please. It's very hard to resist.

So today we baked lemon muffins. This *should* have been a straightforward task but of course, with Noah around nothing is simple.

First weigh out half the ingredients...then sniff. The noxious whiff is evidence that Noah has filled his nappy. Change Noah. Consider having him fitted with a septic tank...or a cork.

Weigh out second half of ingredients and discover at this point that there is no baking powder. That's weird...can I really have used all the baking powder already? I'm sure it was a newish pot. Glance outside...notice that it's been snowing...erm snowing (?) on the daffs outside the window and on Noah. Inspect the snow. Fail to be surprised that turns out to be baking powder.

Decide that you'll cycle to the village shop to buy more baking powder. Catch Noah...stuff him into a cycle helmet and on to the bike seat and head for the shop. Purchase baking powder and cycle back home.

Continue to follow muffin recipe while dishing out drinks, snacks and swapping Noah's shoes for 'Welllllllllls' (Wellies)

Pop muffins in oven and swap wellies for 'shooooooooes' again. Try to ignore Noah saying 'BOWN BOWN' (Bounce Bounce) while bobbing up and down, which means he wants to play on the trampoline.

Give in to Noah and bounce on the trampoline until the oven timer beeps. Ignore howls of protest from Noah as you leave the trampoline promptly to rescue the muffins before the most sensitive smoke alarm in the history of the world ever goes off.

Well that was most of the morning taken care of :-)

Other news? I've received an email from H's school stating that each class will be designing and making their own version of a royal wedding dress so please could we supply black bin bags and old newspapers...(??!!) I'm sure it will all become clear in time.

On the subject of the Royal Wedding, H's school is holding a few little events and a celebratory party after Easter so I questioned him a little about it all. It became clear very quickly, after a short trawl through Google, that he has only vaguest notion about who Her Majesty is and even less idea about any members of her immediate family. As a joke Bob pulled up a photo of the Rock group Queen, which H identified correctly immediately and then went on to name each of the band members. I suspect this may say more about us a family than I might care to admit...

And if you've read this far the title will now make perfect musical sense ;-)

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