Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra


A stark contrast between two images. I was thinking of blipping only the pigeon but this little guy was too cute to be left out, so I decided to make a collage.

After a trip to the Post Office, I went to the university to do some photography as the weather today was very pleasant. It even drizzled a bit while I was busy shooting around the campus. After taking a few pictures and being content that I have enough for one day, my eyes feel on a group of university students playing cricket. I stood there observing them and all of a sudden I noticed that something was astray. Their wicket keeper was a child of no more than 3 - 4 years. I immediately decided to do some inquiry and it turned out that their kid wicket keeper was Rehan who's the nephew of one the students. I immediately asked if I could take his pictures and the reply was in affirmative. I started talking to him and taking his photos. Here goes the conversation:

Z: What's your name?

R: Rehan.

Z: Rehan, you can smile for a nice picture

Rehan starts grinning from ear to ear

Z: Do you go to school, Rehan?

R: yes!

Z: Which grade?

R: I don't know. My teacher knows and i will have to ask her.

Z: Do you mind if I take one more shot?

R: I dont want any more pictures to be taken.

So, that was the end of my conversation with Rehan, but I ended up getting some really nice shots of an adorable child. I have pictures in which he is looking at me, but they are not showing his cute dimples the way this image is.

Next I decided to run after pigeons and the result is on the right. I am getting slightly closer to what I would like from a 'bird in flight' image. Check out my previous 'Pigeon in flight' attempt. After filling up my 4GB memory card with RAW images, I finally went to my office, worked for a while and now I am home having my lunch and uploading my blip.

Check out two more from today's photo tour:

Another bee on flower shot. Just see how the bee is struggling.

Red flower. Would appreciate it if someone identifies this for me. On first sight, they seem to resemble hibiscus alot, but are different. Maybe, they are a different version.

Today is my parents 31st Wedding Anniversary...

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