Rain coming!

Kaz and Jo did the Run the Rock this morning around Hanging Rock and Kaz did her best time over 5km!! I think it helped having Jo there to push her along to go that bit quicker! I looked after the four boys at Jo's house and they were all really good!

We went to the park for lunch after that with Jo's two sisters and their kids - 12 of us altogether! The kids had a ball!! Kaz, Spence and I left after that to come home, we mowed and whipper snippered the lawns and did some weeding just before the rain came!

This is a shot from our blacony this afternoon just before it started raining! It is still raining now four hours later!! I am not very good at black and white shots, I never really know when it would look good and when it wouldn't but I have given it a go today! Feedback welcome!!

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