Rest stop!

This morning we pottered around and then went into Warragul to do the food shopping. Came home Spence had his sleep eventually, Kaz did some work and I went blip hunting! I went for a drive and stopped at a few places and went down a couple of roads I had never been before! I got quite a few shots that I could have used as a blip but went with this one taken from a rest stop up the road about 5km. It is a hdr and I liked the way the wood came up and the colours of the green and blue along with the clouds!

One more day of holidays then back to work on Tuesday! Tomorrow Spence and I are going to my sister, Nik's, house for the day. I haven't seen her for a while so it should be good!

Forgot to write this the other day, I got the results back from my scan and blood test and they were a bit ambiguous so I have to wait until next month to thaw the next little egg. I would rather that, than the doctor guessing when the best time is to put it in and decrease the chances of it working! We only have 4 eggs left so I want to give them the best chance on one of them working!


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