My Aim is True


Rain from bus

...always difficult to sleep on a Sunday night, but last night the lids of the wheelie bins were thumping in the wind, and some of the smaller ones had broken free and were again rampaging up and down the street. Was there not an episode in Dr Who where wheelie bins became evil?

I got on a few wrong buses today (which caused me to have to cicumnavigate Asda on foot at one point). On the plus side, I did meet a very nice person from Botswana, which reminded me that I still have this to read.

On the way home I discovered (as I saw it disappearing) that at night the 44 only runs every 30 minutes....however a First Bus then appeared! Compared to Lothian Buses, it's much easier to blip on a First Bus - because they are invariably empty. My MP3 was on random and one of my current favourite songs made me forget the rain and wind outside....well almost.

Oh, I hope the wheelie bins behave tonight.

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