Everyday... an eye

By 360walk

Doing our part for mother earth

Do you see the basket these two rascals are relaxing in?

Well... this is not an ordinary basket... it's a handwoven and craftily made by my father from newspapers.

It was a long day for me today. Work was work and the sun was as usual not letting down. Same 'ol same 'ol. The most excitement I got was when my boyfriend decided to have lunch with me during my break. Had a plate of noodles and a cornetto icecream. Really helps the heat that I'm facing.

When I got back home, I realized that my room was a mess. I found lots of paper scattered everywhere and my wardrobe... well, lets just say that it's a mess, shall we.

After cleaning up, I found out why it was in such a mess... these two rascals were searching for this basket.

I guess they wanted to rest in this recycled newspaper basket. I like it... but not to the expense of my room being ransacked. *sigh*

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