Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Look Mummy I'm a star ...

A star indeed ... a superstar! A little bugger superstar but none the less still a superstar!

The little one's have drove me potty today! Bickering at every opportunity! We went to Burwash Manor where they have a playpark, a few animals, a 'Carp' pond a little cafe and some lovely 'boutiques' and they moaned! Popped to buy a few bits and bobs at the Grafton Centre & they moaned (it's a shopping centre so I can't blame them) Then we went to the woods ... and guess what ... MOAN MOAN MOAN ... they moaned because big K wanted to go home ... they moaned because they wanted to go this way and not that way & they moaned when it was time to go home! KIDS!!! We have a few naughty corner incidents today ... yes, there are corners in a wood ... if you look really hard!!

Despite all the moaning we had lots of fun, even if big K did get his own way and we dropped him home first.

So here I present you Little bugger superstar K!

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