Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Goldilocks ...

& the 3 bears!

I'm of course goldilocks ... everything has to be just right! And these pictured here are the 3 bears! Of course there's Daddy bear (who's been away all week on a training course) Then there's middle bear who likes to tell tales & baby bear who being the baby of the family gets away with most things & is now starting to display signs of knowing she can get away with it so crying in order to get her own way ... well lady I'm on to you! Of course we have one of our bears missing, this one was probably on his favourite gaming device, i'll give you a clue ... it ends in box! he had his cast removed today and was left feeling somewhat shattered as he was told no contact spot for 6 weeks which I think we were aware of but he was hoping the specialist would say 'yes, off you go and play football ... you'll be fine to go to Holland and play in Goal!' Bless him ... see sometimes Mum's do know best, not often, but sometimes!

Anyway ... surviving the first week Easter holiday's by a cat's whisker ... of course the kids want to do this and they want to do that ... but being a one man band during the week & then working weekend's it make's it impossible! I'm then left feeling terribly guilty that I don't do anything overly special with them during the holiday's when I hear all the other parents doing this and that with theirs! Difficult this parenting thing ... very difficult!

Well, you can tell I've not blipped for a while ... blah blah blah!

I could go on ... I'll leave it be!

Night x

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