All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

P-p-p pick up a penguin!

Today was full of ups and downs. It started way too early at 5.15am when Ethan woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. So ended up in our bed. This meant he was ready for a nap earlier than usual and by 10.00am he had crashed out on my lap whilst watching Octonauts. I transferred him to the sofa where he slept till 11.45am. In the meantime I'd got a load of washing done, hung out on the line and had made a picnic. Because we were going to the zoo!

Ethan was really upset when he woke up though. This isn't unusual for the first few minutes after he wakes, but today he couldn't be consolled. Turns out he has a very sore bottom and as he was chomping on his fingers again, we gave him some calpol before we went out

He was happy as could be once we got him in the car and he loved his time at the zoo. We had a picnic on the grass outside the penguin enclosure when we got there and then watched the penguin parade. Unlike our last visit, when none of the penguins wanted to come out, today 5 penguins took part. Ethan kept looking the wrong way but spotted them just as they were walking past us. He couldn't stop grinning and pointing at them! I was spoilt for choice with photos today, hence the collage.

Such a glorious day today - really felt like summer. First day this year Ethan has had a t-shirt, sunhat and suntan lotion on whilst I felt summery in my cropped trousers and shades. Can I order more weather like this please?!

Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way home but woke up just after we got back for a short play before dinner. He wolfed down his salmon but got really upset again after dinner. It took lots of cuddles before he would calm down. His bum is red raw and he didn't even want his bath so it was a quick splash in and out, lashings of sudocreme, calpol, bottle of milk and then an early bedtime.

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