All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The card goes here ... right?

Rough night with Ethan last night. It was a battle getting him to bed, he was then up howling for ages during the night and woke up for the day at 5.30am. I thought this meant he'd crash out for ages at nursery but apparently he only had 1 short lunchtime nap.

As for me, I woke with a pounding headache which I haven't been able to shift all day. I quickly went round Morrisons with Ethan after picking him up from nursery and then handed him over to hubbie when I got home and I took myself off to bed for an hour.

Again it was a battle getting Ethan off to sleep tonight, my head still throbbing and hubbie not feeling great again either. (He has now been signed off for his 4th week. Think he overdid it yesterday and despite us having a fab day, with hindsight perhaps not best for hubbie to have been out and about for so long).

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