The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

Plates of meat......

These tootsie's, Barney rubble's , pigs trotter's or written above plates of meat have put me in good they are abused after a day's painting,( not pots i might add), in case any of you are sighing .......walls with emulsion....... my hubbie always tells me , i am not allowed to do glossing, may be you can gather by the amount of paint over me why.....I do a good job, and do manage to get some on the walls to........
But i would like to thank these pigs trotters (as named by my dad when little girl) for all the hard work they do.......having a job for the last thirty three years, that means standing, and for many years on ridicules high can do now.....
I am going to soak these tootsie's, cream and repaint nails, and give them abit of tlc...god they deserve is to all those poor old feet, that we would not be without, and generally do not give them the credit or applause they deserve.....

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