The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

glorious days.....

This is the view i had to day, whilst laying on my deckchair and looking up at the sky contemplating..........Now a lot of you on here, live in exotic places,great climates, but trust me, for England this is a lovely day in April.... ...... we will all come out the wood work, shorts on, doing our gardens and garden centres packed...... cars with the soft tops down........ at the sea front for ice cream, to much flesh showing for some, who should have kept it covered.....paddling pools playing in the parks......mothers pushing prams........neighbours talking and passing time.............the pubs packed outside.........sunburned bodies....... and a bit to much wine.......
But one hint of rain,( which to be fair we do tend to have more than our share).........the temperature drops, and we will all scurry back indoors waiting for that bit of sun again.........Oh to be British......".keep the home fires burning".....

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