The Chaos Bros

By vik

Monkeying Around

F&E and their dog, Bea, were all here for the day. An early start for our sleepy family with them arrivng before 8.30 but only 2 of The Bros were up by then. I was though, probably only because I'd set my alarm ;-)
When I saw the mist and clouds I feared we were in for a long day. Needn't have worried though, the sun appeared late morning, art & craft tasks completed outdoors and then lots of eating and playing in the garden. We even managed a trip to the park for a couple of hours before tea.
All the fresh air fuelled their appetites again with chicken korma and naan bread disappeared with amazing speed.
The dogs were happy to lie in the sunshine in the run and then have a snooze inside when we were at the park.

A full day with 6 kids and 3 dogs on my own could have been a recipe for disaster but thankfully it was all fairly successful. The kids didn't argue and were highly amused to find that someone as old as me could shoot hoops at the park :-D

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