...among other things!


Adventures on the A28 (6) - Wing Mirror Rays

Oh its the Summer, I don't care what you all say, there is no way today was Spring weather. I spent most of the day in Rye Harbour, East Sussex, an interesting and mostly beautiful place, and it was busy and scorching hot all day.

As I drove home the clouds began to close in, throwing rays of sun to the earth in that godly way they do... I was driving and there was nowhere to stop so despite the danger I shot whilst moving and got this great result. Only a slight contrast change to bring out the detail in the clouds and that's it. When I got home I was so glad I had got a blip today because suddenly Spring was back with her patented showers!

Here's my last Adventure on the A28 - Wing Mirror Sunset from 24th February, I've got a feeling there's going to be plenty more.

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