The grass isn't always greener...

...sometimes there is no grass at all!

Change...the ONLY thing that is constant! The only thing you count on...oh, that and taxes, and death! Well, you know what I mean.

Our office is changing shape. Our family has changed shape and will continue. I am changing. That is good.

Re: Bottlehood (from yesterday's blip) they want to see my resume. I don't have a resume on my art. My art has always been who I am, not what I do. I did have to submit some projects when I applied for the book cover gig, but a 'real' resume for my art, jewelry, photography. Geez, this is the real deal. I just thought I would show them some stuff, they would supply me with some pendants and I would design something. That is the way he made it sound anyways. Maybe that is just how I heard it. So I will put together some kind of portfolio. I have saved many of my works if by chance 'one day' I would need them for 'something'.

Maybe looking through the fence, I see grass, is it greener? It might be, but the the greener it is, the more it needs to be mowed!

We will step at a time! First step, met the creator, Second step, emailed my interest to the company, Third step....get my res & portfolio together. And see what happens! Can't hurt!!!

Glad Monday is over....onward we go!!!

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