recycled energy

By ryanstyle


That number has followed me around
for as far back as I can remember.

I was born on 2:17 p.m.

Stephen King's The Shining
is best known for room 217.

217 is the area code of where
I currently reside at school.

Whenever I stay up late working
on a project, I glance at the clock
and 2:17 a.m. always glares back
-- somehow reassuringly -- at me.

I also see it scribbled on walls
and mentioned in movies & TV shows.

Doreen Virtue's book, Angel Numbers,
reveals how angels send messages
to us concealed in digital numbers.

217: Your affirmations are working -- keep them up!
Continue to believe in the mighty manifestation
power that you have, and keep focusing on your desires.

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