Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


This is our neighbour's son. He's such a lovely lad and will be sitting his AS's this year. I asked if he'd mind modelling for me today and, much to my surprise, he agreed. He said he was rubbish at having his photo taken but in fact he was terrific.

I took loads, trying different lighting: back-light, open shade, using light-coloured walls as reflectors. He was wonderfully patient and has promised to help me out again next week.

I was experimenting today with my 100mm macro as an outdoor portrait lens. I rather like it because I can open it right up to F/2.8, shoot manual and meter off the face. It always seems to render sharp eyes, even at F/2.8 so it's fast becoming one of my favourite lenses for outdoor portrait work until I can afford the 70-200 f/2.8...when I win the lottery or sell a kidney ;-)

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