Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Weapon of Choice

Ok so I suppose the title calls for a bit of explanation. A few years back my coworkers were given an ice breaker activity by our supervisor, and were asked what weapon would you choose and why. We worked for a college and were all students so no worries, it was just for fun ;p One of my coworkers who we least likely suspected to come up with an answer like this replied, "An icicle because once it melts the evidence is completely gone". I found it rather amusing, thus the title of my photo.

Doing better still today. Still not completely gone yet, but I'm hoping soon.

Not a productive day. Mum was home sick so I made her lunch. Got out to take a few more photos, though I did not want to do a winter shot, I refused to do another indoor blip having done so many lately with being sick.

Lunar eclipse tonight, hoping it's clear enough to get some photos.

This was another almost blip. Had difficulty deciding again.

Shed Some Light

Thank you all for your comments again yesterday :)

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